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A Blockchain-based DID Platform

The first commercial DID platform of Korea
It’s easy and reliable identification service as we optimized for public and proprietary use.

The first commercial DID platform of Korea

OmniOne Enterprise is easy and reliable identification service
as we optimized for public and proprietary use.

The first commercial DID in Korea

Proven use cases from public and financial institutions RAON has accumulated various references and know-how by successfully carrying out diverse projects such as Mobile Driver's License and Mobile Public Official ID Card for the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Digital Wallet and Simple Authentication Service for the Military Manpower Administration, Smart Resident Card for the South Gyeongsang Provincial Government, and Robo-advisor Service for the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute.

 Compliant with International Technical Standards

Interoperability secured OmniOne is compliant with W3C VC (Verifiable Credentials), DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers), ISO TC307(BC and DLT), 3 SSID Models, TTA PG222(2018-0025)

Driven by Global Association

With state-of-the-art technology and the latest trends OmniOne has deployed the latest technology and industry trends as global consultative bodies like ADI Association, DID Alliance and Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) took initiative in its establishment.

Key Features & Benefits

Provide a safer and more convenient identity service for identity
and credential authentication under Cloud SaaS.

  • 서비스 아이콘
    Decentralization of Identity

    Risks and breaches of centralized
    identity management is addressed

  • 서비스 아이콘
    Simple ID Management

    No more trouble of managing
    multiple ID by using one-size-fits-all ID.

  • 서비스 아이콘
    Powerful Security

    It is tamper-proof with
    strong protection over privacy.

  • 서비스 아이콘
    Multiple Benefits

    Those without official credential can
    also be benefited from social welfare.

Concept Diagram

(Decentralized Identity)

An identity management system which works without relying on any centralizing authority. Enabling its users to realize their Self-Sovereign Identity.

수학 기호

(Fast Identity Online)

Standard for biometric technology that enables users to conveniently and securely authenticate themselves.

수학 기호

Omni ID
(OmniOne DID)

Omnione DID is based on a blockchain that stores only the user’s decentralized identifier and meta information to eliminate the exposure risk of personal information.

Use case – Mobile Driver’s License

Design the service, establish the platform and promote the service for adopting a new mobile ID service

Verify your identity with the selected information on your phone.

National ID with public

Safe and reliable
national-wide platform

More useful
services for the people

DID Blockchain Platform

  • National ID with public
  • Safe and reliable
    national-wide platform
  • More useful
    services for the people

When we have mobile Driver’s License

User “ I submit only required information with data sovereignty. ”

  • Process my personal information on/offline.
  • Safely manage my personal information.
  • Use only necessary information (SSI authentication).

ID issuer “ We issue various IDs safely. ”

  • Utilize the integrated platform for national mobile IDs for issuing other IDs
  • Improve national services and support political decisions by leading innovation in the identity authentication system. (Safely add IDs to the integrated platform for national mobile IDs)

SP “ We provide safe and reliable services ”

  • Reduce the burden of identity verification.
  • Reduce the cost burden of authentication.
  • Utilize the national infrastructure service with SDKs.
  • Generate new business opportunities with more useful information.

Use case – Add a new SP

National honorees can get the National Honoree card from Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.
Mobile National Honoree card can be used on the mobile ID service platform.